Teachers Life Insurance

Teachers Life Insurance

The Definitive Guide to Teachers Life Insurance.

Do Teachers Have Life Insurance UK

Unfortunately you don’t get Teachers Life Insurance automatically with your job. You would however probably get Death in Service. This means that most Teachers are therefore unprotected. Death in Service is good, but if you change job or retire you will probably lose that benefit along with your other benefits.

Do Teachers Need Life Insurance?

We are often asked Do Teachers Need Life insurance? The answer really depends on your situation, if you have a mortgage or family then quite probably. Therefore why don’t they? Most Teachers think that their Death in Service will protect them. Your employer can remove a workplace benefit. Also if you changed jobs your new job may not have the same benefits.

Different Types Of Teachers Life Insurance

There are a few different types of Teachers Life Insurance. We’ve detailed the main ones here for you.

Level Term

Level Term is a fixed amount that doesn’t decrease over time. Usually you have the option of Index linking which makes it increase over time. Very simply if you take out £100,000 of Level Term Teachers Life Insurance over 30 years, if you died during that 30 years your estate would get £100,000. 

Decreasing Term

Often to protect a mortgage you would use Decreasing Term Teachers Life Insurance. As you pay off your mortgage you won’t need as much Life insurance. Therefore the amount of life insurance you have can be less later in the mortgage. This is usually the most cost effective way of protecting a mortgage.

Whole Of Life

Whole Of Life insurance will pay out when you die, not if. If you have an inheritance tax liability you would probably use this type of insurance to protect your estate for your family.

Family Income Benefit

One of the least well known Teachers Life Insurance is probably Family Income Benefit. Usually used to protect your family. For example you may want to replace your income if you died while your kids were growing up. This type of policy pays a monthly amount for a set amount of time. Really useful for protecting a family. It is also one of the lowest cost types of Life insurance.

Cost Of Teachers Life Insurance

We can’t tell you what the cost of Teachers Life insurance will be as they are different for everyone. However we can tell you over the phone if you can spare us ten minutes. We don’t charge a penny for Life insurance advice. In order to calculate a monthly premium providers will look at a few different areas.

Providers Tend To Take Into Account These Areas:

  • Age
  • Current Health
  • Smoking Status
  • Type Of Policy 
  • Level Of Cover
  • Length Of Term

Do Teachers Get Death In Service?

We are often asked if Teachers get Death In Service? They usually do, but not always. So it’s worth checking. Supply Teachers often won’t have many benefits for example. NQTs will often have no or reduced benefits. We’ve covered off below the main benefits of Teachers Life Insurance vs Death In Service so you know the difference.

Teachers Life Insurance Vs Death In Service

Death In Service is a workplace benefit that pays out if you die in service. It can therefore potentially be removed if you change jobs or roles. As a workplace benefit it is not guaranteed. We should also talk about the purpose of Death in service. Death in Service is not designed to repay a mortgage. Death in Service is designed to replace your income for your family should you die in employment. This is why most of our clients have Death in Service through work to provide for their family and separate mortgage protection life cover policy as well.

Death In Service is probably most comparable to Family Income Benefit. Both are designed to replace your income for your family in the event of your death.

Retired Teachers Life Insurance

When you retire you almost definitely lose all work benefits. This is another reason to have standalone Teachers Life Insurance. Usually the only person who can cancel your Teachers Life insurance policy is you. This means if you take out a policy to age 90 you will be covered for that period.

In Conclusion:

Do Teachers need Life Insurance? Possibly. However it will all depend on your personal situation. Do you have family or a partner? Then you probably need some form of protection. If you are unsure, speak to an adviser. They are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and wouldn’t recommend something you don’t need.


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